
Maria Pereira 03/12/15 Dignity Champions forum

Hi guys,
I just joined the dignity in care organization but I can't find how to print my certificate...? Any help ?

Best regards

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Maria Clark 03/12/15

I have had trouble doing this too


It's a printed link

Dawn Ingle-Jones 03/12/15

Hi Maria
It's in the resources tab.: )

Jan Burns 04/12/15

Thankyou for your query - I'm glad Dawn could help you find your certificate. We always welcome feedback and will look into ensuing ease of access for others. By the way a very big welcome to you

valerie tagg 04/12/15

Please can you tell me How to print off my Certificate
Thank you
Val Tagg

mandy Billingham 07/12/15

Just follow link below.
Go into resource then into dignity Champion certificate, should be able to print off.


mandy Billingham 07/12/15

Tap into link below latest resource, then into dignity champion certificate and print.


Old forum user 08/12/15

Hi, it sounds from what I can see if there are regular problems printing off or finding the Dignity certificates off are that the web site is not user friendly or the software to print off is not combatable of service users,
regards Robert Farrier LCGI

Jan Burns 08/12/15

Hi Robert we have a Dignity Councul telephone meeting this morning I will check out if this is a regular problem and if there is anything more we can do to alleviate any problems Thankyou