Consultation on code of prcatice for social care and health workers

Liz Taylor 04/08/14 Dignity Champions forum

Skills for health and others are consulting on the code of co0nduct.

In March 2013 the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers was published. In the health sector, the intended audience for the Code of Conduct was healthcare support workers who report to nurses and midwives. Skills for Health have received consistent anecdotal feedback that the Code of Conduct actually applies much more broadly in the health sector and could apply to all roles that are patient facing and are not already covered by other Codes of Conduct.

An online consultation is open to test this from 1st August until 31st October 2015
Please access it via the Skills for Health website

The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete.

Please feel free to circulate widely.