Could individuals and communities play a greater role in social care locally?

Dignity in care policy team 27/08/10 Dignity Champions forum

• How do you see people in the community playing a more active role in social care in the future? Could people do more to support people in their own communities?

• How can we better use the skills and experience that people using social care and their carers have to help others in similar situations?

• How can individuals and communities play a more active personal role in ensuring the older and vulnerable people are protected from abuse and harm? Where should the balance between individual responsibility and the state lie when it comes to safeguarding vulnerable adults?

• What information/data do you think needs to be released to the public/communities/charities etc to enable them not only to hold services to account but also to see how they might step in and take responsibility for changing services locally?

• The Government wants to see Big Society not Big Government - do you have any good examples of where local people are coming together to develop services that best meet the needs of their local communities?

• How do you think local people could play a greater role in low level prevention in the community eg. handy man schemes; befriending etc - Do you think this is realistics to ask of communities? Do you have any examples of where this is working well in practice?