Liz Taylor 31/01/12 Dignity Champions forum

The National Dignity Council wish everyone who is involved in a Dignity in Action Day event every success for tomorrow and the following days. With over 35,000 champions signed up to take the message forward, Dignity in Action Day sreves as a focus for all the good work that is taking place across the country. We hope you have the chance to celebrate what you do as well as get more people involved in ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and respect regardless of who or where they are.
"Dignity in Our Hearts Minds and Actions "

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suzanne giles 31/01/12

i cant wait for tomorrow , i have a fantastic day planned for the residents i care for , im so excited

Linda Bloice 02/02/12

Hi Suzanne how did your day go? What did you do?
I am looking for some good ideas to try with our residents.
Hope you all had a great day x