Dementia and Dignity

Old forum user 01/12/10 Dignity Champions forum

As someone who has Lewy Body Dementia, and is a Dignity Champion, it never fails to disgust me at way the some staff attempt to treat me these days.

Some people have little or no knowledge of what it is like to live with this illness, and they don't consider our dignity or respect, something that 'they would expect from others'.

I have recently been asked to speak at training events for Socials Workers, and it amazes me the way they are interested in learning from someone with the illness.

So please use people with the illness, when doing training as you will find that text books may have some knowledge, but this does not cover the whole illness, as there are over 120 variations of dementia, all with different symptoms, and no two are the same.

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tom hughes 24/12/10

hello Ken , I am a dementia carer by profession and although I can study , and research the affects of all forms of alzheimers, I'm afraid I'm with you on the unjustified and atrocious way in which sufferers are treated. A prime example of this is the fact that its taken a month for you to receive a reply to your post. We are called Dignity champions , but to me the biggest issue today is how dementia training and resources are generalised , what happened to person centred care , residents are people not just statistics.

Dave Stewart 29/12/10

Although I agree that statistics are " just numbers"- we cannot altogether ignore them So- ask your local authorities, councils and partnerships how they will be tackling the fact that for example, there will be an increase in 75 years olds by about 75% in the next 25 years. This will of course mean a big increase in those who have the dementias and therefore a huge investment for those who " buy" and who plan care. There is no huge pot of monies at present, but at least, as dignity champion we can play our part in planning and spending effectively.
So write to your Health Boards. ask for answeres. Copy you local MP/MSP into correspdence. Get in touch with nurse training establishments, carer traing organisations etc. Write to directors of local care services and ask to discuss how they will be moving forward.dstewart2