Dentists in care homes

Debbie Harris 19/08/10 Dignity Champions forum

I am trying to find out some information about oral health within care homes. It is something that is so easily overlooked and yet it can have massive consequences.

I would be really grateful for any comments you may have about how you approach oral health either within your care home or with the person you care for and most importantly whether or not you are able to find a dentist that will visit residents within the care home to support you.

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margaret robinson 19/08/10

In the care home I work in the health carers clean the residents teeth and dentures. We also have a dentist that comes in once a month to check the residents teeth if they require. Ask your manager about this as the residents I think have to pay for this service

Debbie Harris 19/08/10

Thanks Margaret, do you know the name of the dentists practice because I am trying to find dentists so that I can link to them from my website

I am really struggling to find any that will visit care homes and excuse the pun but they seem rarer than hen's teeth!
