Dignity Action Day

Liz Taylor 09/01/14 Dignity Champions forum

Dignity Action day is now 23 days away from Dignity Action Day on 1st February 2014. I am sure that you all have your plans in place and are well on the way to organising events that will mark the start of another year of activity to promote Dignity in all that we do. The 10 dignity challenges are still key to all we do and underpin many different approaches and themes. Just as a reminder they are included at the end of this note.
This is just to remind you that while the 1st will be the focus of activity, you are not limited to that date and can arrange events to suit your service and availability. It is important however that we ensure that all actions are mapped on the Dignity in Care website. You will need to log on as a champion in order to do this, for those of you who are using, or know someone who is using the event as a launch pad for recruiting more champions, and therefore cannot log on, please let us know and we'll put it on for you.
If anyone is raising funds for Dignity and wishes to make a donation to the Council to further its work, we will be delighted to accept these. Payments can either be made by cheque [payable to The National Dignity Council], which can be sent to the Treasurer Frank Ursell ; c/o The Registered Nursing Homes Association, RNHA , John Hewitt House,Tunnel Lane, Off Lifford Lane, Kings Norton
Birmingham B30 3JN.
We wish you every success with your events and look forward to another year of being able to showcase the tremendous work that is being done to promote dignity in all settings and across all generations.