Dignity Action Week

Jenny Horsford 19/02/15 Dignity Champions forum

I have organised an event for Dignity Action Week on 26th February, 'Thornbank's Got Talent'. We are all very much looking forward to the event and I think the residents will be very much entertained. We also hope to coax the residents into entertaining us too!! A great way to celebrate such an important subject.

Jenny Horsford
Thornbank, Ipswich

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Hi everyone,We have a lovely tea party in the afternoon and manicure morning to mark dignity day on the 3/2/15. Staff also put on fancy dresses on the day itself 01/02/15 and gave some token for the service users fund to compliment activities organised by the company. It was a very lovely day for our service users and staff.
RegardsJohannesLlysfield nursing home Ltd

On Thursday, 19 February 2015, 9:27, Dignity Champions forum <[log in to view email address]> wrote:

Message sent by Jenny Horsford.

I have organised an event for Dignity Action Week on 26th February, 'Thornbank's Got Talent'. We are all very much looking forward to the event and I think the residents will be very much entertained. We also hope to coax the residents into entertaining us too!! A great way to celebrate such an important subject.

Jenny Horsford
Thornbank, IpswichÂ