Dignity Champions / Full Information / Contacts / Training

Old forum user 06/04/09 Dignity Champions forum


My name is Brian Morrison and i am founder of 2 new organisations in the North West, where both are dealing with alcohol abuse and recovery and trying to get to become a recognised Dignity Champion IF there is such a thing apart from just registering?

I see many bad practices where victims of alcohol abuse dont get treated with dignity and although they are severely ill, i feel services should have skills to have dignity for clients INCLUDING local service providers and this includes services towards LGBT people also.

Coming from an alcohol addiction background and also an gay man, i have founded those services to help victims of alcohol abuse BUT wish to be an recognised person in Blackpool to then go and get others signed up and where i can possibly do some training and show others what a Dignity Champion is about.

Lastly, how would i know if there are more dignity champions in my town , as even the local NEW Link service have never heard of this, and asked me for more information and i would like to take this to the services in Blackpool if you can assist or put this out to the email list.

Can you also tell me how i post to the entire group, as i see emails here from others to you, and not to me and not sure how it all works and want to learn more.


Brian Morrison
Dignity Champion

Managing Director
@ APSS - Client Centred Services


Chief Executive
@ GASP (UK) LGBT Alcohol Support Network

Alcohol Peer Support Services (APSS)
46 Cookson Street

TEL: 01253 292300
MOB: 07590 025105

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Emma Wade 09/04/09

Hi Brian,

Did you get a response to your email with reference to finding out if there
were other Dignity Champions in your area and also as to how we can email
more people!

Emma Wade

Old forum user 09/04/09

Hi emma,

No, not heard anything as of yet


Old forum user 15/04/09

Hi Brian,
I am very happy to develop some suitable training for staff and workers with this group if you would like. Also this would help you and others to take forward the Dignity Challenge in your area. Drop me an email to jan@care managementsupport.co.uk if you are interested.



Dignity in care policy team 16/04/09

A way for you to identify other dignity champions in your area will be coming soon to this website.

We are about to initate an exercise to get all signed up Champions to provide us with a little more detail as for some we only have their email - once that is complete (estimate end May) we will launch an online facility for you all to identify local champions.

In the meantime you could try contacting your local Regional Dignity Lead, Anna Gaughan, her details are on the North West Regional Page of this website. Anna may be able to put you in touch with other local champions.

By the way it is great to see people like you working with other client groups joining the campaign and becoming dignity champions. Over the coming months we will be revamping our website so it provides information and support across all client groups not just older people - if you have suggestions for any resources that would promote dignity in your area please send them to [log in to view email address]

The Dignity in Care Policy Team, DH