Dignity Drama

Jo Puttick 12/08/09 Dignity Champions forum

I run an actors group that has presented a playlet to an invited audience of our NHS PCT on 'Dementia'. Due to its success we've now been asked to present one on 'Dignity in Home Care' and I wonder if this has been done before and if anyone has a script on the subject that we might be able to lift ideas from. If you have such a script I'd be pleased to hear from you. Jo

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rose fordham 16/08/09

Hi Jo

I don't have a script but do have lots of ideas, based on my experience as carer, Occupational therapist, Inspector and Quality assurance manager, all with care homes for older people. I would be more than happy to help in some way.


Rose Fordham

Bingo and Beyond email [log in to view email address]

Jo Puttick 21/08/09

Thank you for your offer Rose. As no existing scripts were forthcoming I've now written the 12 minute script on 'Dignity in Care - In the Home' and had it checked by local professionals prior to a meeting with our NHS employers today. We'll be performing it to an audience of 200 professionals in two weeks time. Thank you for your interest.
Best wishes
Jo Puttick

Jo Puttick 16/09/09

I'm delighted to report that the play 'Not the Weakest Link' on 'Dignity in Care' - in the home - was really well received last week by the invited audience of NHS professionals at Poole Lighthouse at their large conference.
The professional actors group that I run would be delighted to perform the play for similar conferences, or to smaller training scenarios in the Central South of England.
The play highlights the problems with the lack of dignity in care and presents the correct way to overcome them, in a lighthearted and informative way. Needless to say the Dignity Champions scheme is well mentioned.
If we can be of assistance please get in touch - Jo Puttick

Old forum user 29/06/10

I would love to know more about this, we were thinking of arranging something around these lines in partnership with a local domiciliary care provider here in the South West and would be really interested to hear how to make it happen.

Dignity in care development worker
Devon, Cornwall and Somerset
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