Dignity Poem

Amanda Davies 23/01/12 Dignity Champions forum

Ive been promoting dignity in the care home in which I work. I was given this poem that was written by a member of staff. I thought it was lovely and wanted to share it. What do you think?

Dignity Awareness
Can we swap for an hour or two?
You be me and I'll be you
Someone's daughter, someone's son
Busy with life getting things done
Doing the things I want to do
Dependant on no one, not having a clue
What was in store in the future for me?
That the person I was, could anyone see?
Remember please that I was young too
I held down a job, could have looked after you!
Live life to the full, that's what they say
I haven't always been this way
So as I sit in my chair or lie in my bed
Think of the life I may have once led
Remember these words as you care for me
Please treat me with kindness and dignity
S Sanders
Written for Dignity Action Day

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Karen Barnes 23/01/12

This is such a lovely poem but nit just that so very true,thats wish and hope everyone in the care industry think those thoughts.

Gill Knight 24/01/12

I think the poem is wonderful and says it all


Arlie Reed 24/01/12

I think this poem is lovely.

Liz Taylor 25/01/12

lovely poem - really says a lot, warrants several readings

Anita Lewis 29/01/12

I love the poem & plan to open our dignity action day forum with this , by reading it to residents , staff & families.
You have given me an idea (as an ex teacher & a care home owner for 22 years), I might try to ask residents for some ideas to put together as a joint resident poem.I'll let you know if it is a success .Thanks for inspiration

Linda Bloice 31/01/12

Love this dignity poem and i am inspired to get the message across in the home where i am charge nurse.
I have written my own dignity poem which perhaps you may like to read. Linda Bloice Pitcairn Lodge Aberdeen

Life's ending here in this grey chair.
In my silent world I sit and stare,
I am invisible to those who mean to care,
They forget this "me" with silver hair.
Further back in this time line,
You would have loved a life like mine,
I used to laugh and dance and sing,
If I could talk i would tell you everything.
"she's wet " they shout and the frown is for me,
My shame is there for all to see.
Don't be hard and judge me so,
I cannot tell you, I didn't know.
But what does it matter, I am not seen.
No one hears me I am not here, have never "been"
I used to like to dress so well,
To see me now you couldn't tell,
I see the soup stain on my dress,
but cannot move to clean this mess.
I hate that soup how could they know,
They never asked and i can't say no.
I helped that fight in the war,
Freedom was worth fighting for,
But I'm still fighting to be free,
Please help me to be the "real me"
Your eyes can see so look at me,
Your ears can hear if you listen,
Stand by me to fight this fight,
Make it matter make it right,
I used to dance and laugh and sing,
If I could I would tell you everything,
If you think about my dignity,
You are giving my life back to me.


My poem for our dignity tree

Our dignity tree
is for you and for me
lets sow the seed
and let it grow free

As dignity champions
we will stand up and fight
for dignity and respect
is everyone's right

Take time to listen
take time to talk
lets play a game
maybe go for a walk

Write on our leaves
what dignity is to you
and to all of the staff
join in with this too

Lets make our tree
grow big and grow tall
because dignity and respect
should be spread by us all.

Rebecca Jones 13/03/12

Linda What a beautiful poem, I love it... I may pinch it if you dont mind, Im doing a microteach session on Dignity next month and this would fit into it beautifully


Linda Bloice 15/03/12

Hi Rebecca,
Thanks ,I am glad you liked the poem
Of course you can use the poem for your teaching session I hope it goes well.
kind regards

Lorraine Morgan 05/04/12

I am unable to reply to your email at the moment.

Old forum user 01/05/12

Hi Im new here, but may I just say these poems are fab, Id like to show them to the manager of the hospital I work at and put some ideas together with our service users for a real understanding of dignity!

Thankyou Kindly

mike stone 05/05/12

Great poem, especially the second and third lines !

Rochelle Monte 08/05/12

Oh dear this made me cry sooo much I am using it in a dignity presentation- can I do this without breaking down ??

Old forum user 10/05/12

I have am in the middle of setting up a book within my place of work, with a collection of poems in all about Dignity,this one is really good and will now be shared along with the others I have collected

leon seisay 10/05/12

good work keep me informed I'am not sure my employers take the Fact that I'm a dignity champion seriously do yo have any issues about this at you're workplace?