Dignity Poem

Amanda Davies 23/01/12 Dignity Champions forum

Ive been promoting dignity in the care home in which I work. I was given this poem that was written by a member of staff. I thought it was lovely and wanted to share it. What do you think?

Dignity Awareness
Can we swap for an hour or two?
You be me and I'll be you
Someone's daughter, someone's son
Busy with life getting things done
Doing the things I want to do
Dependant on no one, not having a clue
What was in store in the future for me?
That the person I was, could anyone see?
Remember please that I was young too
I held down a job, could have looked after you!
Live life to the full, that's what they say
I haven't always been this way
So as I sit in my chair or lie in my bed
Think of the life I may have once led
Remember these words as you care for me
Please treat me with kindness and dignity
S Sanders
Written for Dignity Action Day

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suzanne giles 03/02/12

love this i read this out on dignity day visitors had tears in their eyes


Thank you for sharing this.

Iris Parker 04/02/12

Thank you for sharing this with us.