Dignity Quiz

Sarah Harrison 21/09/15 Dignity Champions forum

As dignity champion where I work I've been asked to come up with a little Dignity quiz for staff. Any suggestions of good questions?

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mike stone 22/09/15

Hi Sarah,

I'll think about that - so far, I can only come up with an 'objective', as opposed to actual questions.

You can ask two types of questions, it seems to me:

a) questions which relate to actual behaviour - along the lines of 'how did you actually take into account Mrs Jones' mobility problem ?'

b) questions which 'try to get at the carer's 'thinking''

The questions I think are potentially most useful, are the second type - which can be expressed as 'before you acted, and when you acted, were you trying to put yourself in the patient/resident's position ?'.

Designing the actual questions, is trickier - but I might get back to this, if anything strikes me,

Best wishes, Mike

Sarah Harrison 01/10/15

Thanks Mike. Any further ideas much appreciated! :)

mike stone 01/10/15

Hi Sarah,

I must admit I've been thinking about other things of late.

But this morning I was at an 'older people's' event in my local library, and one of the stands was about helpful devices' - there was something you can dip into a cup, to find out how full it is (or, I suspect, hang onto the cup'slip while you are filling the cup).

I asked the guy at the stand, if they did things like coloured plates - I recalled that colours are not necessarily seen by people with poor vision, the way most of us see things in daylight (similarly to the way that some colours are harder to see at night, than others).

So for some people with sight-problems, there can be a particular colour of a plate, which makes it easier for them to see where the food is: and of course, 'the wrong colour plate' would make that harder.

So I suppose 'What can you think of, which might make eating easier for people with impaired vision ?' could be an example of 'the b) type question from my first post'.

It depends on the staff involved, and how 'expert' they are, what type of question seems useful. And I don't know that (although the staff are probably better at this stuff than I am, already - I 'just think' by and large).

Mike Llywelyn Cox 01/10/15

Hi Sarah. Wrong Mike. It’s the Stone one you want.



Mike Llywelyn Cox

An Equal Lives Trustee (www.equallives.org.uk)
A DPAC Norfolk member (http://www.facebook.com/DPACNorfolk?ref=ts&fref=ts)
A NSUN (http://www.nsun.org.uk) member.
A http://www.solnetwork.org.uk member.
and occasional jazz instrumental teaching.

All views and statements expressed here are entirely my own and, unless stated otherwise, not those of any other individual or organisation.

mike stone 02/10/15

Hi Sarah,

I'm confused by Mike Cox's piece above - does that indicate that you wanted to 'track me down' (for example, to find my e-mail address) ?

I would point you at:


Best wishes, Mike