Dignity Workshops

Old forum user 22/04/09 Dignity Champions forum

Hi, i just wanted to shre with everyone what we have been doing at Mimosa healthcare, we have held two full day workshops on Dignity in care and becoming a champion. these were held in Bristol and Barnsley and were well attended by Mimosa staff i am pleased to report that we have over 120 champions in the company and growing. we have introduced protected mealtimes, and dignity champion name badges for staff, we have a dignity board in the enterence to all our homes with events information and pictures of the champions, staff have responded with great enthusiasm to the campaign with managers leaving the events enthused to carry the work forward in their homes and we are sharing good practice accross group. we are proud of our achievments so far and plan to keep the momentum going.

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Claire Henchcliffe 23/04/09

Hi My name is Claire and I am new to the dignity champions and would be
interested in any workshops for myself and my staff in the Staffordshire
area my day care is based in Burton upon Trent and we provide a service for
the black Caribbean elders we are also going to hold an open day in May to
promote our Day Care

Old forum user 02/06/09

Respect and dignity and zero tolerance of abuse must apply to all staff as well as all residents. It is important therefore that this is reality and not rhetoric.

Jo Puttick 16/09/09

It sounds like Mimosa is one company who seriously addresses care training and I wonder if we can be of assistance.
I run Wessex Actors Group Services to provide acting scenarios for use in training and senior placement interview modules. We've carried out work for the Fire Service and the NHS.
I'm delighted to report that the play 'Not the Weakest Link' on 'Dignity in Care' - in the home - was really well received last week by the invited audience of NHS professionals at Poole Lighthouse at their large conference.
The play highlights the problems with the lack of dignity in care and presents the correct way to overcome them, in a lighthearted and informative way. Needless to say the Dignity Champions scheme is well mentioned.
If we can be of assistance please get in touch - Jo Puttick

Old forum user 17/09/09

Hi Jo
I AM thrilled that the work you are doing is seriously helping to highlight the campaign. We do have some homes in the south and we would be interested in hearing more about the play.
We are bringing in new initiatives into our homes all the time we are in the process of introducing picture menus for our residents to aid choice for those who have memory problems. We have periodic meetings in the south west I will be in touch shortly to see if we can make this work


Sharon gatus
------Original Message------
From: Jo Puttick
To: [log in to view email address]
ReplyTo: [log in to view email address]
Subject: [Dignity Champions Discussion Forum] - Re: Dignity Workshops
Sent: 16 Sep 2009 21:09

It sounds like Mimosa is one company who seriously addresses care training and I wonder if we can be of assistance.
I run Wessex Actors Group Services to provide acting scenarios for use in training and senior placement interview modules. We've carried out work for the Fire Service and the NHS.
I'm delighted to report that the play 'Not the Weakest Link' on 'Dignity in Care' - in the home - was really well received last week by the invited audience of NHS professionals at Poole Lighthouse at their large conference.
The play highlights the problems with the lack of dignity in care and presents the correct way to overcome them, in a lighthearted and informative way. Needless to say the Dignity Champions scheme is well mentioned.
If we can be of assistance please get in touch - Jo Puttick

Old forum user 08/06/10

Need to get spell checker on!