Dignity and general hospital staff

karon whitehead 04/09/09 Dignity Champions forum

As a psychiatric liaison nurse a major part of my job role is to provide education to general staff.
Has anybody got any training packages they would be willing to share i can exchange if wanted just need new ideas to get them to participate rather than sitting and listening

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Lorraine Morgan 04/09/09

Hi Karen,

Have a look at the OU site for the free materials from our health and
social care courses - so lots of activities to look at.

Failing that then we do have 2 courses at Level 2 - doing both offers a
Diploma in Mental Health. K225 and K272
Remember that our courses are mapped against current NVQs and KSF.

Websites to look at are www.open.ac.uk/openlearn Click on the Browse
Topics. There are recordings and short excerpts from DVDs etc...

And the main site www.open.ac.uk

Hope you are successful.

Best Wishes,


Jo Puttick 16/09/09

I'm delighted to report that the play 'Not the Weakest Link' on 'Dignity in Care' - in the home - was really well received last week by the invited audience of NHS professionals at Poole Lighthouse at their large conference.
The professional actors group that I run would be delighted to perform the play for similar conferences, or to smaller training scenarios in the Central South of England.
The play highlights the problems with the lack of dignity in care and presents the correct way to overcome them, in a lighthearted and informative way. Needless to say the Dignity Champions scheme is well mentioned.
If we can be of assistance please get in touch - Jo Puttick

karon whitehead 17/09/09

Thanks Jo unfortunatly we are in Dewsbury West Yorkshire, but it sounds very good, good luck

Old forum user 26/10/09

Hi there

I have developed a work book that accompanies the RCN Dignity Campaign DVD. You are more than welcome to have a look at it and I would be grateful for any feedback as this is still in its infancy stages..

Godd luck


Associated files and links:

Old forum user 26/10/09

I am a health care assistant working in the nhs. is there anbody else working in a similar role who is a dignity champion and how does being a dignity champion work in the context of looking after patients in a ward/medical environment

Old forum user 29/10/09


Lorraine Morgan 30/10/09

I think that I have posted this before but worth suggesting again.

You do need interactive groups - exchanging views and full discussion.

Chalk and talk really does not work when one is trying to address values and attitudes.
You also need respect and commitment from staff. Imposed, top-down demands which do not involved staff have little value in the long run.

There are lots of free learning materials and activities on the OU OpenLearn site - which you can download and use as you wish. have a look at the site and see what you want.
The Health and Social care section has quite a few freebies from our K100 Understanding Health and Social Care level 1(4) course. This course is now termed K101 and is being used quite a lot in the NHS at the moment. It is values-based.

Failing that there is a good section on our course K303 "managing care" on staff training which might be useful. This course has all the learning required for developing skills in operational management of care and has the principle of practice-led management. In other words the focus of the management is on the practice, the end-receiver and the care management and care planning. Values which should underpin this process are also at the heart of the course.

I am not sure whether materials from this course might be on the free site but do have a look.
K303 is one of the course options in the OU top up degree on Nursing Studies.

Finally A Dignified Revolution offers some really useful inhouse courses if you don't want to do your own. They are cost effective as are inhouse. They have been developed with people concerned with dignity issues and employers. Contact [log in to view email address]

Regards and good luck,

A Dignified Revolution

Elizabeth Uwadiae 18/11/09

Hi Jo,

Could you please contact me urgently as I would like to commission your play - 'Not the Weakest Link' . Please call me on tel: 020 8356 3753 or email: [log in to view email address]

Best regards,

Old forum user 18/11/09


Could you please confirm if this email is for Joan Lambert of Lumley Court Residential home as we don't have a Jo here

Elizabeth Uwadiae 18/11/09

Hi Katherine,

Apologies - I was trying to contact Jo Puttick via the Dignity Champions

Best regards,

Jo Puttick 19/11/09

Anyone interested in contacting me directly about my play 'The Weakest Link', about Dignity in Care in the home, and the professional 'Wessex Actors Group Services' can email me on [log in to view email address] or telephone 01929-459368.

The play (approx running time of 12 mins) has been very well received by many professionals in the caring field who have commented that they consider it a valuble learning tool.

Please contact me if more information is required - Jo Puttick