Dignity display

stewart robson 08/04/17 Dignity Champions forum

Hello guys I need some fun ideas and mean full ideas to set a dignity board up within the care home I work at

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Old forum user 08/04/17

Hello Stewart,

We have a dignitree. Everyone has a leaf to write a message on of what dignity means to them.
They are then placed on branches on a vase. Or you could have a cut out of a tree and add the leaves to that.

Hope this helps


Janet O'Loughlin 09/04/17

Hi Stewart
I've been in a number of homes I've seen painted trees on walls which look amazing with residents comments attached on leaf shapes.Some have had students in to paint the tree which brings in the community. Some have had flowers and butterfly's added. I've also seen wooden dignity trees painted with leaves with residents messages hanging on.Some homes invite relatives to be involved. You'll be amazed at all the different thoughts on.

Sally-Ann Martin 10/04/17

Put up pictures of the Ascott races..make them choose a horse. Why did they select that horse? write their thoughts on the horse and see what transpires...............

Jan Burns 10/04/17

Hi Stewart - thank you and everyone else for promoting dignity. You could put up the poster available on this website - it says ask me how Dignity is Promoted here - who will answer? what will they say? I have also seen a Dignit- tree with red leaves and green leaves. Red what needs to change re dignity - green what or how can it change. I also baked a Dignity cake at the last conference - a three tiered cake created to show the ingredients to provide Dignity - kindness respect compassion. Do look on our Dignity in action Facebook page. Just a few initial thoughts. Let us know how it goes.

mike stone 10/04/17

I like this 'coloured leaves for meaning' idea Jan mentioned.

Perhaps you could use red leaves [or leaf borders] for 'problems raised', green for 'solutions we've tried and seem to work', and another colour (perhaps yellow) for more neutral comments and suggestions ?

If such a scheme was universally adopted, it would be interesting if somehow once-a-year everyone's red and green leaves could be published online as a sort of 'nationwide learning resource'.

Jan Burns 10/04/17

Thanks Mike yes I have heard it used to raise issues and finding solutions. Great idea re universal usage. I wonder what others think - there could be some analysis of trends and some learning from solutions. Thankyou for your continued support Mike.

Isabelle Oster 10/04/17

Hello all,
I love the idea of Dignitree. Displaying different colour 'leaves' will also demonstrate people's views (in red, green and yellow colours), bringing staff awareness to all around us.

Old forum user 10/04/17

Hi Isabelle

It's a shame I cannot share the photo on here of our dignities
It's been very popular

Sarah Rayner 10/04/17

I once worked on a a coloured balloon and put in a three dimension frame

Yvonne Webb 11/04/17

Hello all
Would be really good to use the digni-tree for different seasons; instead of leaves now it could be easter eggs, at Christmas there could be presents for respect and dignity examples and maybe sprouts to record improvements needed. It would be a good way to bring the different seasons, yearly events and cultural events into peoples homes, and
Encourage communication and fun. Yvonne