Dignity in Care

Elizabeth Uwadiae 15/10/09 Dignity Champions forum

Hi Jo,

I have been asked to put on some awareness training sessions on Dignity
in Care. This area is new to me, so I am looking for inspiration in the
form of tried and tested initiatives. We have used theatre forum in the
past, so I think that this would be ideal vehicle for promoting Dignity
in Care.

Your article in DH Care Networks prompted me to contact you in the hope
that you could tell me more about your play, 'Not the Weakest Link', as
I am sure that our Dignity Champions and managers would greatly benefit
from this form training intervention.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Elizabeth Uwadiae

Community Services Workforce Development Unit

302 Mare Street, London E8 1HA

Tel: 020 8356 3753

Fax: 020 8356 4591

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Old forum user 06/03/10

hi, to try and get the importance of dignity to the care staff, clients and families. I am goin to organise a dignity week in the home. Hopefully i will get feedback from all those who are in the home or have contact. I have down loaded sum information off the dignity site and am goin to put a board up for all to see. I have will also be putting on display the practice we in the home promote. I am so looking forward to the feedback i am hoping to get as i will turn it to my advantage to provide a better service. If its negative we can use it as experience and learn from it. I promised to set myself a goal when i went to the prioritising dignity event in jan. So i we are having our own dignity week.