Fw: Fear of making a complaint

Old forum user 23/04/10 Dignity Champions forum

>----Original Message----
>From: [log in to view email address]
>Date: 22/04/2010 19:07
>Subj: [Dignity Champions Discussion Forum] - Re: Fear of making a


>I think it is a good idea to be able to make complaints anonymously.

I do not work for a Care Home but visit my Mother in one. I made a
serious complaint to the Care Manager and recorded it with her
permission. The following week I was shocked to find that the Manager
had been moved to another home, I was forbidden to be allowed to see my
Mother and there was no record of my complaint. The new Manager said
that I was an abuser and yet had never met me before. I battled for
almost 6 months to be allowed to see my Mother. Eventually I was
allowed back in but had to be supervised for 1 hour once a week along
with every member of my family and my brothers family. This was all due
to the fact that I had complained!!! I now visit my Mother but take
her out of the Home to spend time with her but am too frightened to
complain. She had no underwear and no socks on when I took her out
last week -I had spent £40 on new underwear 2

>weeks ago, when I looked in her cupboard she did not have a bra or

any pants or socks! I dare not say a word! Social Services are no help
they tell me they get on fine with the Home. Some homes are not Care
Homes but dumping grounds. I Love my Mother but wish she could be
realeased from this hell and that will only happen when she dies.

>I am so pleased there are people out there trying to make a

difference but please be aware there are Homes who are a law unto
themselves and do not know what dignity, respect or fairness is!!!!

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Lorraine Morgan 24/04/10

As a whistleblower in the early 2000's I was penalised too and have been on a mission ever since!!
It has got me places where I never believed I would go and A Dignified Revolution is one of the those areas.

I am going to put a blog on how to support people like yourself Julie further on our ADR discussion forum as we really do need to take this a stage further rather than just discuss it.
ADR has done this in terms of the articles that we have written and put on our website and in some journals. - also in the media to great effect.

However, there now needs to be public measures to really see if values and standards are really being applied and enforced. Action on Elder Abuse is lobbying hard but there needs to be more of a joined up voice.
Enforcement of standards is firmly in the lap of the inspection agencies - so we need to lobby them really hard. Even more so as when the Equality Bill comes in after May the Human Rights Act will be utilised much more as there will then be an obligation and public duty for public agencies to comply. That also means care in care homes where they are paid via contracted provision from Local government.

So do contact AEA.

Watch out for my thoughts on the Discussion Forum - it take a few weeks as have lots to do in work at the moment.

Kindest regards to everyone.
