Gagging masks

Linda Clifford-Hayes 09/09/16 Dignity Champions forum

I have written to the government about the proposed use of gagging mask at the point of arrest for individuals and by the police. I am deeply disturbed and concerned for people who may have become mentally ill and at that point falling between crime and care and who may be gagged in this way. We all know of stories of misuse of power by the police. I see the gags as barbaric and akin to the ones used in salsa very to silence a group of people for gain. I am deeply troubled about it.

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mike stone 09/09/16

Hi Linda,

You hit the 'nail on the head' with your 'We all know of stories of misuse of power by the police'.

It is perfectly reasonable, for police officers to be concerned about the health risks to themselves, if people spit at them, or try to bite them: but, there must be serious concerns that the police will 'deploy' these gagging masks (are we actually talking about 'spit hoods', which is the story I 'half heard' recently ?) 'too often'.

It is tricky - but in my experience, it is nigh-on-impossible to argue with the police, about whether their own guidance 'makes perspective-balanced sense'.

Linda Clifford-Hayes 09/09/16

Yes, 'spit hoods ' is the word ...but gagging masks is what they look like We need to start the debate with police before the practice is implemented and cascaded wider .

mike stone 10/09/16

I think it will be very hard, to start a debate on 'spit hoods' which becomes so 'high profile' as to influence their 'adoption/deployment'. The use of tasers is higher profile, has many of the same 'issues around mental health' and yet even that is hard to thrash out.

But you are quite right - 'we' (society) probably should be talking about this.

viorica rusu 11/09/16

I need to do this training online.

viorica rusu 11/09/16

I need to do this training online.

viorica rusu 11/09/16

I need to do this training online.