Government plans to scrap Attendance Allowance - Have Your Say?

Mike Vaughan 29/01/16 Dignity Champions forum

I have recently been made aware that the government "sneaked" into its Local Government Finance Settlement (published just before Christmas) a plan to abolish Attendance Allowance (AA) for all new claimants. A prime example of today's back door politics!

This benefit is absolutely vital in helping the elderly and disabled maintain some form of independence in how and where they are cared for and by whom, and can help people to remain at home longer before needing long term residential or nursing care. When and if they finally do need long term care, this benefit is a huge help towards paying for fees and reduces the burden in overall terms to the NHS.

Each and every one of us is likely to be severely affected by this plan if it goes ahead, either directly or indirectly, as we or a relative would more than likely qualify for this at some stage.

Please consider publicising this issue and the online petition I have launched at:

The most important thing is to pass this on to everyone you know and ask them to sign it. If you/they use Facebook and Twitter, please also consider posting this issue and the link.

Many thanks.

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Jan Burns 30/01/16

Thank you for raising our attention to this Mike I will share on Facebook

mike stone 01/02/16

I think Attendance Allowance is very worthwhile, and should be retained: I doubt that saying so to this Goverment will make any difference however, sadly !

So I hope Mike has some luck, but I'm not optimistic.

Old forum user 02/02/16

This is another back door process whereby the DWP are reducing all benefits except their drnking allowance in Westminster as I have heard the speaker Jogn Bercow refuses to acknowledge a Freedom of Information request to providevdetails of the drinking culture in Westminster.It is suggested that acts of parliament are illegal if contrived in the house of commons or seconded in the Lords as if MPs are intoxicated they cod be challenged in the high court or the theEurpean courts of human rights due to the situation.I have been led to believe they are trying to suppress the public finding out what they are capable of,which is drunk and disorderly in public office.After all the MP Eric Joyce who was prosecuted and thrown out of the house was only the tip of the iceberg,please share this information.You often wonder why some MPs seem on a high,but we will not mention the recreational drugs .

maureen o'hara 03/02/16

Thanks for raising awareness of this issue. I have shared on Facebook but I feel strongly I would like to involve the people it affects who often don't have access to a computer and are unaware what the government is trying to do. Can we co ordinate a written one too so we get the numbers of signatures up.