Government plans to scrap Attendance Allowance Have Your Say?

Ruth Marie Collin 02/02/16 Dignity Champions forum

The attendance allowance has filled a much required need for families to stay together when a loved one needs support, it offers a "life line" to keep people at home within their own environment and as independent for as long as possible. The idea of taking away this vital allowance goes totally against "person centred support" and the so called "prevention strategies" which we hear are key to forward thinking????

Many thanks

Ruth Collin
Registered Care Manager
Bluebird Care (Scarborough & Bridlington)

Tel: 01723 588004
Registered in England & Wales
No: 8270689
Registered Address:
Cayley Court, Hopper Hill Road Eastfield, Scarborough, YO11 3YJ

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Mike Vaughan 13/02/16

I have recently been made aware that the government "sneaked" into its Local Government Finance Settlement (published just before Christmas) a plan to abolish Attendance Allowance (AA) for all new claimants. A prime example of today's back door politics!

This benefit is absolutely vital in helping the elderly and disabled maintain some form of independence in how and where they are cared for and by whom, and can help people to remain at home longer before needing long term residential or nursing care. When and if they finally do need long term care, this benefit is a huge help towards paying for fees and reduces the burden in overall terms to the NHS.

Each and every one of us is likely to be severely affected by this plan if it goes ahead, either directly or indirectly, as we or a relative would more than likely qualify for this at some stage.

Please consider publicising this issue and the online petition I have launched at:

The most important thing is to pass this on to everyone you know and ask them to sign it. If you/they use Facebook and Twitter, please also consider posting this issue and the link.

Many thanks.

Old forum user 13/02/16

there is already a petition which has 87000 signatures, sign it at

yes I know she spelt attendance wrong, in the petition name, but it is spelt correctly in the actual petition.Please take a look, so we can get it to the 100,000 mark where Government has to consider what is being said. Judith Brown Bristol