HELP.. Dignity Quiz,

Michelle Sullivan 05/06/11 Dignity Champions forum

Hello. Can someone please help me out with a 10 question and answers dignity quiz please??? Its out in-house training day next week and i have done lots of work for my dignity champion presentation, poem, worksheets, handouts and so on.... really struggling for a Questions and answers quiz.... any help? i will be very, very grateful

Michelle :)

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Michelle Sullivan 06/06/11

I recieved a couple of emails from here... NO SUBJECT.. NO CONTENT. sorry my fault i didnt change my e-mail setting on this site sorry to anyone that tried to help me.... Please send again if you see this... dignity QUIZ urgently needed... Thanks Guys N Gals

Old forum user 08/06/11

you could ask to give say 2 examples of what protects dignity
and for another what threaten dignity

Old forum user 04/07/11

Use this checklist to ensure that you or someone you know or care for is receiving good quality nursing care:

1. Do I get help when I ask for it?

2. Do the nurses care about me - not just for me?

3. Are nurses courteous and respectful?

4. Do I feel valued as an individual?

5. Am I, or someone who knows what I would want, involved when decisions are being made about my care and treatment?

6. Do I get help to eat and drink when I need it?

7. Do I get pain relief when I need it?

8. Are my hygiene and continence needs met?

9. Do I feel safe and secure?

10. Do nurses notice when I am upset or distressed?