Hi and can you help

Shereen Hussein 04/07/11 Dignity Champions forum

Hello everyone,

My name is Shereen and I am a researcher at King's College London.

We are conducting some research looking at the experience of working in the care sector.

We would like to hear your views and will appreciate if you can take the time to complete an online survey.

Here is a bit more information about the survey; but feel free to ask me any further questions.

Do you work in adult social care in England? Are you a care worker or senior care worker, social worker, occupational therapist, or nurse working in a care home, working with adults or older people?

We would like you to take part in a major online survey funded by the Department of Health and conducted by the Social Care Workforce Research Unit. You will have the chance to win one of hundreds of pounds worth of prizes - each of £10 in high street vouchers.

We want to find out more about the good and not so good aspects of working in social care and why people join or leave this area of work. This survey is part of a larger study and it should take you about 20 to 30 minutes to answer all the questions. It is confidential and no one, including your employer, will be told you have completed the survey or what you have said.

To take part in the survey, please click on the following link: www.surveymonkey.com/s/Longitudinal_Care_study

If you have any difficulties completing the online questionnaire or would prefer to complete a paper version please ring 020 7848 1782 and we will send you a questionnaire with stamped addressed envelope. This research has received ethical approval from King's College London.

If you have any queries or would like to know more about the research please contact me directly - [log in to view email address]

Thanks for your participation!

Shereen Hussein BSc MSc PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Social Care Workforce Research Unit
King's College London
Melbourne House, 5th Floor
Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Phone: 0207 8481669 or 07905947398
Fax: 020 7848 1866
[log in to view email address]