Hospital curtains

Samantha Webster 26/02/15 Dignity Champions forum

I am looking to put signage on our curtains to try and improve privacy and dignity. I am looking at not only putting signage up for staff but also patients as they often pull curtains open. Does anyone have any experience of this.

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mike stone 26/02/15

Hi Samantha,

I don't have any experience of this, but when you mentioned 'but also patients as they often pull curtains open' what did you mean ?

Do you mean, patients who pull open the curtains around their own bed ?

If so, I tend to think that is a choice the patient can legitimately make ?

Regards, Mike

mike stone 14/03/15

Hi again Samantha,

I must admit to being surprised, that you have not had replies to this question - it strikes me that it is probably a question which other people have wondered about in their working lives.

Although in my experience, there is often an element of 'pure luck' in responses to questions - you can't assume that 'a really good question' will attract lots of responses,

Regards, Mike

Jan Burns 15/03/15

I will re post this question on the Dignity in Action Facebook page lets see what we get.

Jan Burns 16/03/15

First response from RE Samantha

I recall some signange to say care in progress do not enter. Try SCIE website.

Jan Burns 16/03/15

more responses:
MWG Before you step behind my shield
There's a reason why my space is sealed
I want you to ask when u wish to have a peek
I will not be happy if u enter before u speak

I just wrote this if its of any use
R M: We made our own on the ward. Red card with do not enter in big print then laminated then attached big bull dog clips. Works every time.

Jan Burns 17/03/15

All the wards in my local hospital have it printed on the curtains that they use.
Another trsponse from Facebook Samantha