I absolutely LOVE this photo!

Neil Baxter 27/07/10 Dignity Champions forum

Just wondered what your views are on this... it's a photo of a lady sat in front of a "100th Birthday Cake" (I think it's a reasonable assumption that it's hers) - and she's lighting her cigarette on the candle.

Firstly - I think it's a funny photo and it's well done... but here's the thing I like about it - this is me thinking as someone who respects people (and REGULARLY advocates for Older People with Cognitive Impairment problems/Mental Health neess)... likes a laugh... but also assesses risks... etc. etc.

So - the photo - this lady's enjoying her cigarette and has clearly reached 100 years of age despite posing a health and safety risk... a fire risk... food hygiene etc. etc.

I'm being a wee bit facetious, but if I was in 'full assessment' mode I could highlight potential risks...

But away from my professional role I think - "Good on you. You're not doing anyone else any harm - enjoy your cig. and Happy Birthday".

Hang on - who said "what about passive smoking?"

And who said I'm promoting smoking instead of trying to get the lady to quit?

Endless debate eh?

What do you all think?



P.S. One more thing... I don't smoke, but if I decide to have a cigarette this evening whilst sat in my garden - who's permission do I need? Will I have to be risk assessed? Could 'capacity' be an issue? Or because I'm 'not old' shall I be allowed to make my own decisions? :)

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