I would like introduce myself to my colleagues

HALINA LUCYNA WINIARSKA 22/03/17 Dignity Champions forum

Hi everyone, I am Halina, a new dignity champion. I working at Residential Care Home in Manchester as a care assistant. I came to Manchester last September from Plymouth where I worked as health care assistant at Derriford Hospital NHS Trust, NHS Professional Agency and a volunteer in the community. I am dementia champion as well. To promote dignity, dementia and other elderly surrounding problems I have a wall board at my work. On it, I put thematic information to everyone which interesting in these topics. The board will be updated every two weeks. My first one it's done.

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Dal Morlar 23/03/17

I think this is a very good way of sharing information and an excellent method of sign-posting.
Have you considered using social media websites in a similar way?

Liz Taylor 31/03/17

Hi Halina

Welcome to the Dignity community, it sounds like you are doing some really good work to get Dignity on the agenda where you are.

I hope that you have managed to extract some of the really rueful information that we put in the last newsletter.

Keep up the great work