
Rachel Bell 08/03/16 Dignity Champions forum

Hi all. I'm wanting some advice on a situation at the residential home where i work. Basically i believe that to preserve a residents dignity packets of incontinence pads should be kept in cupboards etc so they are not on display. I believe this is especially important where residents don't leave their rooms and receive vistors in their room.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this please?

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Melissa Morgan 12/03/16

I totally agree with you, the pads should be put away out of sights of those that don't need to see them or even know about them.
Maybe store in the wardrobe at the bottom?

Hope this helps..

mike stone 12/03/16

Hi Rachel,

I'm 100% with you.

The only 'but' is that it has to be clear, to staff, where the pads are being stored (which would be easy if all rooms are furnished the same, but might be a bit harder if rooms are different).

But, yes - why would anybody disagree with your point ?!

Best wishes, Mike