Is there a DIC 'Facebook page' - and if there is, how do I find it ?

mike stone 19/04/16 Dignity Champions forum

I'm probably proving my age, and dimness, here.

I decided to join Facebook last week (and I find Facebook 'frustrating' so far). One reason I joined is that I feel sure that a DIC Facebook page has been mentioned before, I fancied looking at it, and I couldn't until I joined.

I've found something in Facebook, which might be the DIC Facebook page, but it seemed to contain almost nothing.

If there is a DIC Facebook page, how do I get to it ? I fully expect somebody to say 'the answer is here, on the homepage' but I've had a quick flick around, and I couldn't find it (as I've pointed out, I'm old and fairly dim).

The other reason I joined Facebook, was to see if I could set up a Group to try and get some discussion of end-of-life issues going. I've set up a group, but I'm still struggling to hammer the page into a form I like. On the plus side, I stumbled across 'upload a file' and that works - I've uploaded 4 PDFs I already had to hand, and I'm going to create one especially for uploading to my Facebook group. But I'm puzzled by the fact that a book about Facebook claims that I should be able to 'enable a Discussion Board' inside my group, and I cannot see how (I wanted to do that - I wanted a list of discussion themes, to appear on the page).

I was told by a friend 'you must be the only person to ever try and learn about Facebook by reading a book !'.

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Jan Burns 19/04/16

HI Mike most of the discussions re dignity are on the Dignity in Action Facebook page. Do ask to join and tell people about your end of life page.

mike stone 20/04/16

Thanks Jan,

So I need to put 'Dignity in Action' into the 'friends finder' box ? I'll probably find the right page, now that you've told me the right name to look for.

So far I find Facebook 'baffling'.

For example, on Sunday I found 'upload a file' in my group. When you upload a file, it asks if you want to type in a description of the file, so that people can get an idea of what the file is about. I did that, and I assumed (perhaps stupidly) that when I went back to the group yesterday , and selected a file to download, I would be able to see this description before downloading it - that doesn't seem to be the case (the descriptions I wrote, have appeared within the general 'comments' section on the page, and do not seem to be attached to the file download section).

Thanks again, Mike

mike stone 20/04/16

I have not managed to find the Dignity in Action Facebook page yet - no more online time today, I'll probably have another go tomorrow.

My EoL 'group' is at, according to the browser bar:

I have no idea, whether that url makes it possible to easily find the page or not !

I've just spent 20 minutes 'wrestling with' the 'group photo' to try and make it look right on the page I had to alter the 'photo' 3 times, before it seemed to 'fit into the space okay').

Jenny Tivey 21/04/16

Good point. I would love to check it out and am interested to read the replies. Will try myself when I get a minute. FB is such a great way to promote knowledge. My limitations are only viewing and a few family posts at the moment!

Jan Burns 21/04/16

Hi Mike put Dignity in Action in the search button at the top of the newsfeed. Good luck. Jan

mike stone 21/04/16

Thanks Jan,

I'll try that - although I'm not sure 'what the newsfeed' is.

It will take me some time to figure out Facebook - although when I checked this morning, two people wanted to join the group (so I clicked 'yes'). I'm using a laptop, with some 'browsing issues' at the moment [not all websites work properly] - I'll be returning to Facebook on a sit-down (and 'wired') computer this afternoon (when I might work out why an attempt to try a different group photo failed this morning, when it worked for me yesterday).

mike stone 21/04/16

Found the Dignity in Action group Facebook page (and I suspect I looked for Dignityin Action the previous time [typo], which is why I didn't find it).

Impressively, some kind person had joined me to the group within about a minute of my request to join !