Learning Disabilities

Old forum user 29/05/09 Dignity Champions forum

Hi All,

are there any other Dignity Champions out there who are working with people with learning disabilities?


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Old forum user 01/06/09

I do but only in terms of a small snap shot. I am a Radiographer so only
spend about 10 mins per lady? Anything specific you wanted help with?

Old forum user 09/06/09

Hi my name is sharon gatus i am the lead dignity champion for mimosa healthcare. we have one home that deals with clients suffering with phisical disability and some leaning difficulty challenges, if you wish to speak to the manager there you can contact her on [log in to view email address] she is a dignity champion also and i am sure you could network together


Old forum user 10/06/09

Hi All, thanks for your replies.

Its really good to hear that there are professionals who arn't specialised in LD but who are including and considering them.

I am a Learning Disability Nurse working in an A&T unit for people with LD and other physical health needs. I feel Dignity is a huge issue in our field and a real challenge as it sometimes appears that the lack of dignity and respect offered to this group is almost universally accepted...

Malcolm Pass 10/09/09

Hi Catriona
I am a registered manager of a residential home for older people with learning disabilities 50 years and above.
I have recently registered as a dignity champion so am looking for ideas / suggestions as to ways of promoting dignity in our care setting.
In particular I am interested / concerned with regard to how our residents are dealt with whilst in hospital and also issues around end of life care.
If you or anyone else has any ideas / suggestions in regard to these areas please let me know.

Lorraine Morgan 11/09/09


I believe that Robert Jenkins, at University of Glamorgan has done some research on this. [log in to view email address]
Professor Ruth Northway did some research on advocacy and care homes - she is head of the Learning Disability work at Glamorgan. Have a look on the University website as details for both will be there.
Their research is related to practice.

Ruth used to write quite a bit for the RCN journals around the social model of disability.



Lorraine Morgan
Tiwtor Staff/Staff Tutor,

Cyfadran Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol/Faculty of Health and Social Care
Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru/The Open University in Wales
18 Stryd y Tolldy/18 Custom House Street
Caerdydd/ Cardiff CF10 1AP
Tel: 029 20 262760
web: http://www.open.ac.uk/wales
Mobile 07 827 895 862

Dignity in care policy team 17/09/09

If you want to find other champions who are working in learning disabilities, then you can log onto our ' dignity champion search' facility. You can choose to search for champions in a particualr location or search all champions to find & contact others about the work that is going on around learning disabilities.

Old forum user 20/09/09

Hi Malcolm

Sorry for the delay in responding to your email.

I would say a good way forward would be to find out if your local acute hospitals have a Learning Disability Liaison Nurse or if anyone on your local Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities fullfill this role.

Each person should have all their relevant information which may be needed during a hospital admission ready to hand. Such as how they communicate, how they express pain, fear, pleasure etc. Details of their current medical conditions, history and any prescribed medication. The level of support they need in activities of daily living. Any special dietary needs they have such as thickend fluids or adapted cutlery. Any sensory needs or aids. What they need others to do to keep them safe. Any things that may be particularily frightening or comforting for them.

Regarding end of life care, I have worked very positively in the past with Macmillan Nurses and Doctors whilst caring for people who have LD's who are terminally ill. I attended a very interesting 2 day course on the subject at the Princess Alice Hospice in Surrey. There is also a network for people interested in palative care of those with LD. I think the person to contact would be Linda McEnhill - [log in to view email address], or Noelle Blackman of Respond, who I believe is the Networks deputy director, you can read one of her articles at -

I hope this is useful for you,



> From: [log in to view email address]
> To: [log in to view email address]
> Subject: [Dignity Champions Discussion Forum] - Re: Learning Disabilities
> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 21:34:44 +0100
> Hi Catriona
> I am a registered manager of a residential home for older people with learning disabilities 50 years and above.
> I have recently registered as a dignity champion so am looking for ideas / suggestions as to ways of promoting dignity in our care setting.
> In particular I am interested / concerned with regard to how our residents are dealt with whilst in hospital and also issues around end of life care.
> If you or anyone else has any ideas / suggestions in regard to these areas please let me know.
> Thanks