Maternity care

Liz Taylor 10/03/14 Dignity Champions forum

WE have been approached by a colleague in the US who is seeking the following information

I am a Doctor of Nursing Practice student at the University of Washington in Seattle. As a part of my doctoral work, I am creating an online course on fostering cultural humility and humanized childbirth practices among maternal and newborn care providers. I am sad to see that there is so little on the subject but very pleased to have found your website through the RCN. I have found their online continuing education course on dignity in healthcare as well as the resources they link on their website). However, I was wondering if you know of any online courses that specifically address dignity in maternal healthcare.

Can anyone help

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Jan Burns 11/03/14

Hi Liz I will post this on the Dignity in Action, Facebook page - it would be worth a mention at the Council telecon on Monday too.

Jan Burns 12/03/14

Dignity in Childbirth
Our Dignity Campaign 'A woman's relationship with her maternity providers is vitally important. Not only are these encounters the vehicle for essential lifesaving health services, but women's exper..

Posted on the Dignity in action Facebook page......