Pat Pearce 27/01/10 Dignity Champions forum

My Mother recently was admitted to hospital with a suspected chest infection, but it was much more serious than that, she had fibrosis of the lungs. My Mum died after 2 half weeks in hospital. My complaint is not about the medical administration, but the lack of care, respect and compassion shown to my Mother. I am now left with the pain of her suffering this disease but also the way in with she was treated. My Mother was 87, does this make it right, I don't think so!

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Sandra Lewis 21/04/10

I agree entirely with you. I just don't get it why the care should be so bad. I wouldn't let my mum go into hospital near the end for "tests" because I knew she wouldn't get fed, as she was asleep most of the time. At least in the care home she was given what she wanted when she wanted and it was given on a one to one basis. I am so sorry you had to deal with that as well.

Lorraine Morgan 21/04/10

I think that both of you need to report this to the Nursing and Midwifery Council as in both cases - this may be the tip of the iceberg.

The new CEO Dickon Weir-Hughes has been very public in his request for further evidence of neglectful and abusive practice.

Let A Dignified Revolution know how you get on. That is one of our activities and we are meeting with the Chair of the NMC tomorrow.

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