NMC Guidelines for Nursing Older People

Lorraine Morgan 20/03/09 Dignity Champions forum

Dear All,

I went to the Launch in London this week. Sadly there were not many people there other than NMC members, officers, and a few other organisations.
I did meet one community matron and some Admiral nurses however, I did not meet one Nurses Executive.

I was on GMTV for a few minutes that morning talking about the awful hospital "care' that my aunt received as well as some wonderful care that she did receive in a nursing home. She was really cared for with dignity until she died.

I am so upset about the news from Stafford - does anyone have any comments.
Why on earth did not the nurses and doctors who were concerned about the quality of care in this hospital talk with one another and do something? My goodness - they were a majority group and could have done much more to challenge - can anyone say why, although I would not expect to read any excuses for this terrible state of affairs. I would expect that there will be private prosecutions over this.

Can anyone tell me what the unions were doing whilst all these reductions in staff numbers and decrease in standards of care were occurring? Lots of questions but we need to ask why, why why.

Perhaps we can have some much more serious conversations rather than about badges etc....

Best Wishes,

A Dignified Revolution

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Old forum user 20/03/09

In August 2007 my mother spent 24 hours in Colchester General Hospital, where the treatment of the elderly was so appalling she did not stay in any longer. I kept a record of her stay which I would willingly share if it would be of benefit to other patients. At the time my mother did not want me to complain in case it rebounded on her.

I am amazed that geriatric wards are still in existence. What purpose do they serve? Are they meant to segregate the old from the rest of society? Do people attend hospital because they are elderly? Should we not campaign to ensure all patients are treated in wards that deal with their illness? At least they would be surrounded by understanding patients if not staff.

Taleb Durgahee 21/03/09

I agree Lorraine......more serious conversations would be more helpful than badges.
 Dr. Taleb Durgahee
Dignity Champion
Palm Court Centre of Excellence in Dementia Care
Provides Nurse Education and Overseas Nurse Programme
In Collaboration With Brighton University

17-19 Prideaux Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2ND
Tel: 01323 721911
Fax: 01323 410244


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Barbara Kelly 25/03/09

Hi Lorraine
Im really sorry to hear about the way your aunty was treated. I am a student Nurse in my 2nd year and I would just like to say that most Nurses really do care. The Job is so demanding and more and more pressure is put on Nurses regarding paperwork leaving very little time for Nursing. I know that this is in no way an excuse and your aunty should have not been treat that way. I believe if the government stopped Nurses having to work short staffed, and reduced the low morale, Nurses would have time to deliver quality care that they want to give and the patient wants to recieve. I am a dignity champion and I dont care about badges, I only care about patients and giving them the respect they deserve I am going to carry this through to my Nursing career.

Well lorraine I really do hope things get better in the future.

kind regards Barbara

Taleb Durgahee 25/03/09

Hi Barbara

Nice to read what you will take through your nursing career. Good on you!

We must remember that we will never have adequate staff and never have enough time. In fact, caring is about priorities not about adequate staff and time. If the priority is dignity, then you will have enough staff and time to preserve and promote dignity. It all depends on what we make our priorities in caring. So, I hope you will take this message through as well in your career.

Good luck
 Dr. Taleb Durgahee
Dignity Champion
Palm Court Centre of Excellence in Dementia Care
Provides Nurse Education and Overseas Nurse Programme
In Collaboration With Brighton University

17-19 Prideaux Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2ND
Tel: 01323 721911
Fax: 01323 410244


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