National Dignity Council Meeting

Jan Burns 19/05/14 Dignity Champions forum

We had a very productive National Dignity Council meeting today - here are a few issues that were discussed: 1 - The Council will submit a proposal to the Charities Commission to gain charitable status. This has been made possible, thanks to the diligent work of the Council Secretary pulling relevant papers together. This will of course have positive major implications for our fund raising opportunities. 2. We are updating the dignityincare website - making it more user friendly, accessible along with improving connectivity between champions. 3. We will be holding a conference on 14th October - wheels are in motion to bring this to fruition. 4 We are looking at a bringing together a dignity audit tool. 5. We will be making more resources available e.g. ten challenges card - wrist bands as well as badges.

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mike stone 20/05/14

Hi Jan,

I hope you manage to get charitable status.

I also hope that when you update the website (and I like the idea of increased connectivity between champions) that you leave the existing links (the urls) to the individual existing discussions unchanged ?

Jan Burns 20/05/14

Hi Mike thanks for the posting - I will pass your comments on to the Web company we are working with.

Jan Burns 22/05/14

Hi just want to tell you that it was also agreed at the NDC meeting on Monday that Dignity Action Day 1st February 2015 we will follow the same theme as this years - Have you got time for Digni-tea?. Early notification so that you can prepare for your event. Do let us know your plans!!!.