New ideas??
Hi guys just wanted to refer to some Dignity Champions :D last year at the care home i work at we have done a very successful dignity day, created a dignity tree for display then planted one outside. I have done some quizzes at service user meetings and in staff supervisions done the same. Since then i've been trying to think of another activity similar to the dignity tree, any ideas would be much appreciated :D (Y)
Dont all reply at once :')
How about a reward scheme, where staff are given tokens for promoting dignity and whoever has the most tokens at the end of the month wins a prize. It's not very cost effective but it's an idea :)
Hi Matthew,
I kept out of this, as it is way beyond my own experience, until you 'pleaded for responses'.
Are you folk 'arty' ?
There is a wonderful poem at:
Perhaps you could have a poetry reading 15 or 30 minutes every so often (once a month, say) where people are invited to write and then read a poem, which highlights some aspect of dignity or care - the best attempt, could perhaps be displayed on a wall until the next poetry reading (and perhaps the poems could all be collected in a folder, after they came down from the wall - non-winning poems, could go in as well).
You could set up a piece here 'Our poem of the Month' and you could add the new winning poems, as they happened ?
Not very exciting, but perhaps a few people would be interested in that ?
Hope you get some good ideas, Mike
Thanks :D
At our dignity day event we all let off a balloon/lantern with our dignity/care related wishes on it- could be a idea?
Ive also done a Dignity display board in our entrance, with information about it, and personalised Dignity pledges on it. :)