
Old forum user 10/04/09 Dignity Champions forum

Did anyone see last nights Panorama programme about the disgusting way that Domiciliary care is provided by some agencies.
I was shocked and horrified that staff with lack of training could treat people in such an appalling and undignified manner.
My eyes are sore over the tears shed whilst watching this programme.

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Irene Bramwell 10/04/09

I saw it, and it is an absolute disgrace as these domicillary care services are supposed to be monitored what little value we put on older peoples lives when you have older vulnerable adults with physical and mental health needs being left 24 hours with no care food, medication and water . It is not the carers at fault if they are not provided with adequate training and their salary reflects little more than the minimum wage whilst contracts are given to the lowest bidder to cut costs It beggars belief I am mortified by it all to be honest . Highly regulated dont think so from what this programme uncovered .

Emma Wade 15/04/09

I also saw the Panorama programme, and work in Domiciliary care and thought
it was disgraceful. I agree it is not the carers at fault, and thankfully
not all Domiciliary care agencies work in that way. There are also a lot of
good agencies that provide excellent care for their clients and believe in
dignity in care.
Something must be done to ensure elderly people are not neglected - is that
not the reason why CQC is there!