
Jan Burns 01/05/14 Dignity Champions forum

How terribly cruel was that BBCTV programme last night - I could not help myself from shedding tears, it was despicable practice. What goes around comes around - I do hope it does. How disheartening though that the film makers did not highlight the good practice that was going on - yes they did mention it but the programme was rather skewed towards the abusive practice. Nevertheless what we observed last night was in humane and the observation of dignity was far far away. Please let us make sure we blow the whistle on poor practice - take courage - take action - it cannot go on!!!!

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mike stone 02/05/14

If anyone wishes to give feedback to the Care Quality Commission, about how it might improve things through its inspection of care homes, there is a consultation going on at present. The appropriate link is:

I know that link works if you cut & paste it into the address bar of a web browser (I've just tried - I always distrust links !).

The CQC online consultation forms are long and complicated, and the stuff the CQC would like you to read before completing them is also long and detailed.

But you can also send an e-mail to the CQC, of a rather more 'this happened to me/my mum and I think ...' variety, because the CQC actively wants (or at least it claims to want) such feedback.

As for Jan's:

How disheartening though that the film makers did not highlight the good practice that was going on

comment, the point is that we (the public) expect decent care, and the NHS persists in claiming that 'usually you will get good care'. So naturally, what will usually attract media atteention, is examples of poor care. I know that this really winds up many who work in the care sector (Tessa Ing, while she was Head of End of Life Care at the Department of Health, more than once mentioned her frustration that the papers invariably reported when something went wrong, but rarely covered the more normal good outcomes/care).

When did a GOOD landing ever make the news - it is when the plane ends up in flames at the end of the runway, that the landing gets coverage, isn't it ?

Liz Taylor 02/05/14

Whilst we wholeheartedly support the exposure of disrespect, bullying and abuse, the National Dignity Council, alongside other organisations that support those in the health and social care sector, is aware that the vast majority of those in the sector are committed to delivering high quality care Dignity Champions in all sectors seek to both deliver high quality care that is compassionate and dignified and help others to achieve that.

Rita Umney 04/05/14

I found the whole programme disheartening and sad, as a dignity champion myself, I would not hesitate to report what was happening and all our staff are fully committed to our dignity campaign. we just need more to sign up
rita umney

Jan Burns 05/05/14

Yes Rita I agree sign up and adhere to the principles of delivering safe, compassionate services with dignity.