
sheila goodall 30/09/12 Dignity Champions forum

I work for my local county council and have had the experience of meeting with a private providers carers this weekend, and would like to share my thoughts on what I have seen. I must say I have voiced my opinions to the carers too.

How come when you come into my home,
You act as if I'm not at home?
It would be really nice if you would say,
Hello Sheila have you had a nice day?
My body isn't what it should be,
But that doesn't mean that I'm not me.
I need your help that is clear,
But please don't forget I can still hear.
I like to hear your chitter chatter,
I'd love to join in and have a natter,
Just remember when you see me,
That I deserve some dignity.
Written by Sheila Goodall.

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Addmore Ncube 30/09/12

thank you this a nice poem for those who are caring for our oeldrly parents  grandparents , friends.As were us  to talk about the individuals like they made themselve to be what there are 
 respect  is gone to some careers  plz help the community to understand about aging, its not a crime to be old , to ill, to be disiable.
thank you for Voicing your self
 for the benefit  of those who need our help.
addmore  support worker

Old forum user 30/09/12

That is a nice poem, I do understand that way, I work with the elderly in a nursing home and see that happening from time to time, as a dignity champion I am always trying to correct things like that in the home I work in.

Old forum user 07/12/12

Hey Sheila,

I love the poem. And like Marcellina I can relate it to where I work. It is just educating everyone about hoe to respect your elders because as time has progressed we have lost that respect.

mike stone 07/12/12

Hi Sheila,

I like your poem, and it nicely matches Bob's rather longer piece about the same type of thing.

I've just commented on Bob's piece, that I'm surprised it has not attracted more comments - his and yours are well worth thinking about !

Sarah Jackson 10/04/13

Beautiful and so true.

Sandie Wooden 15/04/13


Old forum user 11/05/13

Your poem is lovely and valid for some but not others.
Why is it people are only to willing to point out the negatives of caring.
What about all the other carers who do their level best to empower service users and provide dignity and respect were ever they go.
Its time we put out some possessive thoughts and value you are cares. Genuine carers do their best. Lets not let the negatives take hold or we will never regain the trust of the people who need us the most. Shout out to all the great carers out there xx