
Amanda Davies 03/08/13 Dignity Champions forum

I work in a nursing home in Stafford and I would like to share this poem with you all.

Dignity: Our promise to the residents of the Manor House past, present and future.
You'll find tenderness in my voice and softness in my touch
I will treat you with compassion and won't assume too much
I will take you as I find you and treat everyone as my equal
Not forgetting that respect means different things to different people
I'll be someone to lean on who will gain and keep your trust
I'll never rush or hurry you as patience is a must
I will engage with you even when my resources are scattered
I want you to know that I hear you voice and your opinion matters
I will respect your privacy and value your possessions
Confidences that you share with me I will treat with discretion
I will strive to eradicate your anguish and banish your despair
I'll try to put myself in your shoes your problems I will share
If ever you feel lonely, vulnerable or scared
Rest assured you're never on your own because I'll always be there
If you ever feel low I'll be there to console
And offer you every viable choice to keep you in control
I want to know the real you I'll never forget the things you've said
You're a very special individual not just a number in a bed
I'll encourage your independence to maximise yourself worth
And when you're coping on your own I'll give you a wide berth
When you tell me about back in your day and how is seems now such a long while
From where I'm standing it's still your day I'll tell you with a smile
Your legs don't work so well now on me you are reliant
But the things that you've done in your life to me you walk with giants
By Adam Probert 28/7/13

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mike stone 04/08/13

Nice poem, or perhaps nice essay.

Jan Burns 09/09/13

Lovely poem Adam - how is this shared at the Manor House. Very re-assuring to people who use services. We have a dignity facebook page - dignity in action - be good if you would share this with the 811 people on there. Well done :)