Private Mental Health Care

Old forum user 11/08/09 Dignity Champions forum

As Mental Health care is now been farmed off by the NHS into Private Institutions by Regional Funders because lack of facilities in certain areas. There is a growing concern about accountability of patients care to these funders. Today we have seen the NHS.UK reports on hospitals graded as to performance but I have not seen any of the Mental Health private instituations graded. Also in some areas there is no choice as to where patients are sent for treatment depending on their assessment and this could be many hundreds of miles away which makes it also difficult for families to support.
Do you think that all facilities should be graded?

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Lorraine Morgan 11/08/09

Yes - I do believe that there should be a benchmark standard - which is a high quality standard and that there should be robust measures to make sure that people achieve this and more. We are too soft in this country when it comes to challenging and changing things quickly. Why does it takes so long to address concerns.
Concerns are usually around people and children who are or become vulnerable and hence don't have a loud voice. I strongly believe that the care professions should use their statutory code to be that voice. That is why we set up A Dignified Revolution. Only 3 nurses challenging and trying to change. I feel that we have had measures of success. So no reasons why people in other areas can't do the same as long as you stick together.

I believe that all private/voluntary health care providers are inspected within the inspection agency that covers this area in the nation. So - the new CQC will inspect for English providers and CSSIW inspects in Wales. Health Inspection Wales inspects public sector provision only but has a robust concordat with CSSIW and they do talk with each other.
I have had a brief look at the new CQC website and it seems to be full of useful information. Much better than the HiW site.

We also have a Social Services Improvement Agency site in Wales and recently they have set up a 'notable practice' webpage.

You sound really frustrated from your email and I can understand why.
I think that you probably need to lobby your MP to make sure that there is a robust system of inspection and set benchmark standards. There is nothing like regular inspection - especially unnannounced which is acted upon - to refine and focus providers activities around quality of provision.

I worked for 12 years in the voluntary sector of care homes - having taken over 10 local authority homes and their staff. The homes were in a dreadful state and I really did focus on the whole system of care provision as I knew that once the 'honeymoon' period was over re upgrading the homes that the expectations would be high. Because staff knew that they could be inspected at any time - they really did try to address the weaker areas of provision.

Mind you - the Care Standards Act minimum care standards (2000) did not really deal with quality of care adequately. I was so disappointed having been inspected by an arms length inspectorate - following the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 - that the new Care Standards Act did not go further re actually care quality.
I really do believe that this was due to some very strong lobbying from the care home industry and the actual care professionals - such as the Royal College of Nursing, the British Association of Social Workers etc... did not lobby hard enough.

Now the standards are being reviewed so this is your opportunity.

Here endeth the short reflective history lesson!!! Sorry folk - I worked with these changing systems so hope that you can accept my perspective on it.
I have learnt that really the only way to change things is to go straight to the politicians with a local example.

Best Wishes

A Dignified Revolution

Lorraine Morgan
Tiwtor Staff/Staff Tutor,

Cyfadran Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol/Faculty of Health and Social Care
Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru/The Open University in Wales
18 Stryd y Tolldy/18 Custom House Street
Caerdydd/ Cardiff CF10 1AP
Tel: 029 20 262760
Mobile 07 827 895 862

Old forum user 11/08/09

I appreciate and endorse your candid comments. I am fully convinced by experience that vunerable patients do not have a strong voice and it is also discouraged by not providing them with information. I am also convinced that Funders who do use these external facilities d not keep abreast with the basics needs of the patients they hive off to other institutions especially private ones. The NHS Mental Health service where provided have proved that it is held more readily accountable than private ones. I would like to see all Mental Institutions publish criteria of inspections carried out and agree inspections should be carried out without notice.