Pushed for space radiology department

Andrew Smith 05/06/10 Dignity Champions forum

Hi all.

I'm a radiographer at a busy city hospital that is forever expanding. Unfortunately however the radiology department is not expanding, and is in fact landlocked between other departments.

There is an ever increasing pressure on us to get through ever more patients, both in, out, A&E and some GP referrals. We are multimodality, and at peak times the seated waiting areas are standing room only. Trolley and bed patients are in corridors, and patients for fluoroscopy are sat outside a very packed and sometimes roudy staff room. CT patients are required to take prep in a waiting area near reception, and the entrance to our most gucchi scanner is in full view of the main reception waiting area.

I've been given the challenge of addressing dignity.

Any ideas anyone?

Please keep this thread relevant to the point, There are lots of areas concerned with dignity I know, but I saw a similar thread tittled Diagnostics go off at an irrelevant (to this issue) tangent.