Raise the number of active champions!!!

Jan Burns 02/01/16 Dignity Champions forum

Yes I have been awarded an MBE in the New Years honours. Awarded for my work to promote Dignity for all. Thankyou to whoever nominated me, and also thanks for all the lovely messages I have received I am overwhelmed. . I did not achieve this award alone- there are a number of people who have walked along side with me and I am also truly thankful to those people. Now I need you all to take the opportunity to make this a truly effective achievement by joining our campaign and becoming an active dignity champion - make sure dignity is in the heart, mind and actions of everyone Join up with the other 63k champions at www.dignityincare.org.uk. help us raise the number to 100k active champions. Come on everyone we can do it, lets encourage one more person each!!! Are you with me?

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mike stone 03/01/16

Congratulations Jan - I didn't pick up on that. Which basically means, that BBC Radio 4 didn't tell me (naughty Radio 4 !).

It is great, that recognition of your work has happened - sadly, I'm not convinced that the prevailing conditions over the next few years, will make it easy for good causes such as Dignity in Care to make progress, partly because I feel there will be too many good causes, and too little money, around.

But I hope I'm wrong, and I certainly hope that Dignity In Care has a good 2016, because it is an ongoing, but deeply needed, battle to promote care with dignity,


Jan Burns 03/01/16

Thanks Mike. I have to agree with you re the possibility to promote campaigns such as ours. It is an uphill battle - but being the eternal optimist and maybe obstinate soul I do my utmost to keep up our quest to promote access to Dignity, kindness and compassion for all. Tall order - realistic? But very necessary. Once more thanks for your dedicated support.
Kind regards. Jan.