Respect your own choice??

Ma Swany Abuniawan 14/05/12 Dignity Champions forum

Hi I'm Swany

I need some suggest from you all about my concern.
I have knew this person and she is 60 year old live on her own since when the husband died in the care home. She is a alcoholic when she has a problem and even not she drank a lot of alcohol. When the husband died last few month ago in the care home she started being depressed and upset all the time. She hasn't got the family around to comfort her all the time. She has a friend but not all the with her. She begin to come in the care home where the late husband died and making some friend in there which she definitely decided to come but the social services told her not to come as she still be able to cope living on her own and she doesn't need help from carer. Now she was very disappointed as she really wanted to be in that care home. She is upset and drinking more alcohol. i have heard that she's been in the hospital so many times because of fallen and stroke but still abusing herself through drinking. i think she need someone to be with her all the time to reduce her depression and give her more motivation to stop drinking alcohol. I think care home will help her really as i knew when she staying in the care home for a week her drinking was reduce a little bit and she enjoyed the company of staff and residents. I hope you all can give me some suggestion that can help her to reduce her depression and deteriorating life through drinking alcohol.

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Nell Lovegrove 15/05/12

Maybe bereavement counselling would be a good first step? Here is the link to it on the NHS:

jane markham 30/05/12

Wow, Ma Swany Abuniawan, it is lovely that she has you to think of her welfare. I agree with Nell about the bereavement councelling, but I think she needs many kinds of help. Her doctor will be able to refer her to an appropriate councillor. I have had experience with the Steps to Change programme, and found them to be helpful.

All the best, Jane xxx