Setting up a Dignity Champion Team

Megan Potts 20/10/14 Dignity Champions forum

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of setting up a dignity champion team in the therapy department at basildon hospital and am organising our first meeting.

Does anyone have any ideas for an agenda?
As a dignity champion what is the most important issue to be discussing?

The aim is to dicuss dignity issues in the hospital and problem solve.

Many Thanks

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Jan Burns 21/10/14

Hi Megan thankyou for supporting the dignity campaign. What I hear frequently is that champions feel they are a lone voice and are looking for support to check out their thoughts along with ideas on how to challenge. At the national dignity conference last week we looked at the ten dignity dos (aka challenges) exploring how they have positively been put into practice. Some networks have themed meetings - communication- nutrition - dementia etc. one hospital event gave champions 5 mins to share how their ward has upheld dignity. One e.g was regarding supporting an older woman who had dementia. They put a red throw on her bed so that she recognised the way back to her bed when she was wandering. We are trialling some dignity audits you may want to have a look. The audits and other resources from the conference are on this website under news. Do get back in touch if you need anymore. We do have an active discussion forum on Facebook Dignity in action over 1200 champs on there. Good luck. Jan

mike stone 21/10/14

Hi Megan,

I've never done it, so I don't know what works, and what doesn't.

But my feeling, is that being a Dignity Champion, is mainly about having a 'questioning mindset' - thinking 'am I/we doing this right, and could we do it better ?' in an ongoing way.

So perhaps one thing on the agenda, could be to ask people to have a think, and to suggest (at subsequent meetings) things they think could be improved ?

Hope it goes well,

Best wishes, Mike

Liz Taylor 30/10/14

Hi Megan

Can't really add anything to what Jan has said, but just wanted to wish you good luck in your endeavour.
