Share with us your 2009 Dignity New Year Resolution

Old forum user Moderator 12/12/08 Dignity Champions forum

What are you planning to do in 2009 as part of your commitment to being a Dignity Champion?
Share with us your ideas and plans for 2009 and help inspire others to take action.

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Jonathan Urch 15/12/08

Continue to use dementia care mapping as a tool to bring about change in care practice. And continue to challenge staff on issues of dignity. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to You All

Old forum user 15/12/08

I will continue to try and help educate staff working in general hospitals about the needs of people with dementia to avoid the neglect and indifference to their basic needs I often hear as testimonies from relatives. I will also try and help the management of those hospitals to listen.

Old forum user 15/12/08

I am going to continue to promote my Dignity Champions training across all health and social care organisations.
I am also interested in finding support to lobby - ensuring that such experiential training should be mandatory.

Old forum user 15/12/08

I am continually raising the profile of the dignity challenge and looking at how to incorporate this within our staff's induction and continued training and development programme for all staff.
Raising the profile amongst the users of the services and providing them with the knowledge and confidence to challenge both professionals and carers in relation to their individual needs.

Old forum user 29/12/08

Dear all.

My name is Clare Kirkman and I am both an author and a busy management consultant working in the health and social care sector. Whilst my book 'How to get Good Care Services' is selling at a steady pace - it is merely a drop in the ocean in terms of the work that my colleagues and I want to do to improve the quality of care services on offer within the UK and of course the promotion of dignity within those settings.

When I agreed to become a dignity champion - I had high hopes for how much work I could do to raise awareness in relation to what dignity in care should really look like. But as often happens in life - it takes over and 5 months later, I'm ashamed to say that I havent been able to promote the cause as mch as I should have or even could have.

So with the New Year pending and having given up totally on the prospect of ever looking like Elle Mcpherson (no diet is that good and it would also require plastic surgery!!) I have decided that I will make 4 resolutons and they are:

1/ That I will be here for anyone who would like to ask for my advice and support in relation to anything care related and I will give it freely. For example - if as a dignity champion you have concerns about the quality of a care service OR how an issue is being handled OR you just need some advice on how to recognise a quality service - then ask. I can be emailed on [log in to view email address] and although I can't promise to respond the same day - I will always do my best. I am also available to discuss privately any matters of dignity and whether in a certain situation you feel that an individual has been treated in a dignified manner. Of course opinions will be my own - but having worked in the sector for 24 years as a hands on care giver, a manger of a care home - eventually as a care agency owner and now as a writer and management consultant - I think my opinions could be seen as fairly well rounded and I hope seen as objective. I also until the 14th of this month - had my 93 year old nan living with me and she had done for 12 years. She sadly passed away following a short illness, but I can say with my hand on my heart that in my view - she died with her dignity very much preserved and so I also have 1st hand personal experience as well.

2/ That I will ensure that any literature I can promote the dignity champions work via - I will do so

3/ That I will endeavour to visit the site and chats / forums at least once per week and more often if I can

4/ That I will make all of my clients (care homes and agencies) as well as my colleagues aware of the fantastic work you are all doing and try to generate as much support as I can for the dignity champions campaign.


Clare Kirkman

Lauren Blaze 29/01/09

I am a student nurse and I have just become a Dignity Champion after hearing about health champions in a lecture today! My aim for 2009 is to learn more about dignity and promote this on every new placement ward I start (which is every 15 weeks) I am going onto a medical ward specifically for the older people within my area and I intend to achieve my goals for promoting diginity and also hopefully recruit some of my university colleagues.

Lesley Benham 26/02/09

I already have an exciting, busy schedule ahead for this year. Besides running a Therapeutic Day Hospital for Older People Mental Heath I shall be disseminating the Award winning work of the team widely. Presenting at a Dignity in Care conference, Age Concern/POPP network event, visiting numerous local residential care homes delivering training particularly on dementia care. Visiting Wales x 2 presenting at the All Wales Network, delivering a Sharing Practice event and presenting at 1st Taste charitable organisation-Debryshire annual General meeting. Locally I have the challenge to link with a Community Hospital to influence changes in cultures, attitudes & practice and I'm also a Dementia link person with my Primary Care NHS Trust. What an exciting 2009 to promote Dignity in Care.

Taleb Durgahee 27/02/09

Wow. Well done. Good luck
 Dr. Taleb Durgahee
Palm Court Centre of Excellence in Dementia Care
Provides Nurse Education and Overseas Nurse Programme
In Collaboration With Brighton University

17-19 Prideaux Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2ND
Tel: 01323 721911
Fax: 01323 410244

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