Sloppy Slippers

Julie Edwards 08/10/10 Dignity Champions forum

When I attended a Dignity in Care meeting I brought up the "Sloppy Slipper Campaign".
On the internet the last uptake of this idea that I could find was in Clackmannanshire in the heart of Scotland June 2010. The idea is to exchange old worn sloppy slippers which potentially could cause a fall, for more appropriate ones that fit better at a discount price. This was organised by Age UK, the new force combining age concern and help the aged as part of National Falls Awareness week.
In the Dignity in Care meeting the representative for Age UK said they have taken advice from the Podiatry service that recommend a light weight supporting shoe not slippers to prevent falls.

Two different opinions on preventing falls which in either case no one would disagree.

But has patient choice been removed and the opportunity to acquire knowledge as part of National Falls Awareness initiative about which is the most suitable slipper to acquire.

Here is a scenario;
A friend of advancing years succumbing to the wear and tear of life with arthritis a recurring corn and nearly due to visit the podiatrist for the toe nails to be cut. During the evening after standing for some time doing the ironing found time to relax in front of the television and rest aching feet. As the evening rolls on and the series comes on that our friend has followed from the beginning decides just sitting still for a while to take off the supporting shoes the podiatrist had recommended and put on their comfortable old slippers for a change. The phone rings that resides in the other room, our friend stands up to answer the phone, trips over the slippers and falls.

Is it not fair to say both the sloppy slipper campaign and light weight supporting shoes recommended by the podiatrist go together as there is always the possibility that the old slippers could come out at some point in the day be it in the morning or later in the evening when the balance is not at its best.

Do you think the sloppy slipper campaign should still be pursued?

Julie Edwards


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valerie waterman 19/01/11

Julie having read your idea about the sloppy slipper campaign I feel it is a very good idea especially if the old sloppy slippers are exchanged free or at a modest cost in EXCHANGE for the old slippers so they are no longer around to be put on or fall over. Costs would hrequiree negotiation from the suppliers and client permission would need to be obtained - sometimes behaviour changes need positive reenforcement and peolpe will not follow advice without a lot of encouragement. lets face it it is so much easier to sit in the comfortable old slippers that you can easily get your feet into they are old friends and old friends like od habits stick new friends need a positive introduction such as your idea ,but new friends need several introductions and old fiends sometimes need cremating when past it! It's a bit like old glasses and old false teeth they require getting used to.

valerie waterman 19/01/11

Julie having read your idea about the sloppy slipper campaign I feel it is a very good idea especially if the old sloppy slippers are exchanged free or at a modest cost in EXCHANGE for the old slippers so they are no longer around to be put on or fall over. Costs would hrequiree negotiation from the suppliers and client permission would need to be obtained - sometimes behaviour changes need positive reenforcement and peolpe will not follow advice without a lot of encouragement. lets face it it is so much easier to sit in the comfortable old slippers that you can easily get your feet into they are old friends and old friends like od habits stick new friends need a positive introduction such as your idea ,but new friends need several introductions and old fiends sometimes need cremating when past it! It's a bit like old glasses and old false teeth they require getting used to.