Student Nurses want to get involved

Barbara Kelly 24/02/09 Dignity Champions forum

As a mature student Nurse I believe its important to target students within thier training regarding dignity. Its a truly important aspect of nursing not to be overlooked. As after all we will be the nurses of the future.

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Lesley Benham 26/02/09

Barbara, I quite agree that student nurses should have the Dignity culture embedded into training. As a qualified registered Mental Health Nurse with 30 years experience this is the way I was trained, it's not a new concept. Basic nurse training should always have the person at the centre of care in my oppinion, respect, curteousy, professionalism is a natural skill of a genuine Nurse.Utimately listening to people's needs, problems and highlighting their strengths to promote health & well-being is paramount. Everyone should have the dignity to be consulted, involved in care processes and respected at all times. People should be treated how you would expect to be treated yourself. Nurses need to find the confidence to question practice, tactfully highlight poor practice & always put the person first providing them with the best care possible. As I get older I certainly want nurses to be highly skilled in ensuring dignity in care.

ASIM AYUB 18/05/09

i have just registered i am a third year student nurse i feel that we can get involved and have many Opportunities as we are always moving around different departments and wards and are able to see how they all tackle the issue of dignity or how they dont, i would love to get involved but would like some guidance on how i can get started.

ASIM AYUB 18/05/09

I have just registered, i am a third year student nurse i feel that we can get involved and have many Opportunities as we are always moving around different departments and wards and are able to see how they all tackle the issue of dignity or how they dont, i would love to get involved but would like some guidance on how i can get started.

Old forum user 22/05/09

I am a 3rd year student nurse and fully agree with you, there is not enough said about dignity during our training. I feel so passionate about dignity and am in the process in writing my dissertation on Maintaining Dignity. I hope to influence peoples perceptions in my practice but I believe this is a long process.


Old forum user 26/05/09

Hi Debbie

I am also currently preparing an action research project around dignity that I will be carrying out as part of my job and use for my MSc thesis so it would be really interesting to read your dissertation once completed.

Just email me at [log in to view email address] to get in touch.

Many thanks!
