Survey re Common Core Principles Dignity

Liz Taylor 15/07/13 Dignity Champions forum

Calling all champions - The National Dignity Council is continuing to support Skills for Care in the implementation of the Common Core Principles for Dignity. To this aim we have devised a questionnaire using 'Survey Monkey' to find out where you, or your organisation are in meeting each of the principles. The more people who complete the survey the more rich evidence we will have to demonstrate the effectiveness of the champions network and most importantly we can ascertain from the survey what is currently in place and where the gaps are in promoting and delivering services with dignity. The survey should take no more than ten minutes of your time [honest], so what are you waiting for? Dignity champions are renown for being activists - get active now it will be worth it, you have up till the 10th August to complete. Please pass the survey details on to anyone you can - lets get see if we can get 1,000 completions. Thank you in anticipation.