Taking Control of Parkinson's

Adam Ron 28/04/16 Dignity Champions forum

Parkinson's effects people both physically and mentally. You cannot catch it from someone else and although it can run in families, it is very rare. Most people with Parkinson's are over 50 years old, but it can affect younger people as well.

Although 'Alzheimer's and Dementia' tend to attract a great deal of publicity Parkinson's is also a disease which is also rapidly increasing due to an ageing population. This is why the Parkinson's Society is running events likes 'Parkinson's Awareness Week' in April. Their website supplies a wealth of useful information and fact sheets.

People with Parkinson's may take medication which will typically help with mobility and control of the tremors. The disease can cause a person to feel 'down' or 'depressed' because it results in chemical imbalance in the brain. Medication can be prescribed to help a person's mood.

Full story with 6 positive tips from people suffering with Parkinson's here http://independentlivinglancashire.co.uk/blog/taking-control-of-parkinsons/