The Surveys I made of Dignity in Care Champions

mike stone 11/08/12 Dignity Champions forum

I have been discussing some aspects of end-of-life behaviour with the Department of Health, expert nurses and paramedics, the president of the RCGP, a consultant in Scotland, an ethics adviser to the BMA, etc, for a few years.

About 18 months ago, I decided to ask clinicians what they believed the answers to certain questions were: by then I had become aware of how confused and messy the situation is at present, but I needed a bit more proof. The answers provide the proof !

I hope DIC allows me to attach the responses to 3 surveys I carried out, which are relevant to end-of-life behaviour - and any comments about any of the issues the surveys raise, would be appreciated (and will be fed into the discussion - so please indicate your 'role' when you comment).

This area, especially the situation of relatives who are living with patients who are known to be 'final year of life' and are at home, needs a lot of discussion and tidying up, if most people are to be allowed to die at home.

I hope anyone who bothers to download and read the attached pdf, finds the answers interesting.

Associated files and links:

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Old forum user 13/08/12

I would like to see more on these surveys . where can i view these?

mike stone 14/08/12

Hi Lorna,

I couldn't get them to 'attach' on the 11th (I kept getting a 'connection broken' message), so I sent them to DIC as an attachment to an e-mail, requesting that the file be approved and attached on my behalf: I hope it will appear above in due course.

I'm not sure what page my DIC champions listing is on - I'll try and work that out, because if you e-mail me I will send you the file directly,

Regards Mike

mike stone 14/08/12


If you want me to e-mail the pdf to you directly, then you will find me in the Champions Search facility if you go:

West Midlands > a member of the public > view these champions > page 19 and look for Mike Stone.

Old forum user 09/12/12


Aye I am very enthusiastic about eol care and want to eventually work within a hospice.

Okay I got it, the yahoo email?

I'll drop you an email.

Dannie (:

mike stone 13/02/13

I am particulary interested in the answers to Question 1 (the question is on page 5/6 of the downloadable PDF, and the answers are on pages 7/8).

I'm very interested in the apparent differences between the answers the 2 doctors gave, and the answers the 4 nurses gave (at least 2 of which go directly counter to the answers from the 2 doctors). And why the nurses seemed to adopt different positions between themselves ?

I'm also very interested, to understand how people in a wider context (clinical and lay) answer question 1,

Best wishes, Mike