What Does this NHS CHOICES Page Mean ?

mike stone 16/11/12 Dignity Champions forum

There is a page on the NHS CHOICES website at:


and I am interested to understand how people (anyone - lay and clinical, so if you comment about this, can you please indicate your background) interpret the words on it.

I asked NHS CHOICES and apparently the page was written in collaboration with a consultant who has a particular interest in consent.

So, what I wish to know, is JUST WORKING FROM THE WORDS ON THAT PAGE (which are shown below):

Who seems to be 'making the decision', and who seems to be 'providing information and assistance during the process' ?

Regards, Mike Stone

The exact wording of the NHS CHOICES page is as follows -

There are rules governing when life-prolonging treatment can be withheld or withdrawn when the patient's consent is not available.

The relatives and friends of the person receiving the treatment, along with the healthcare professionals responsible for the person's care, should decide whether treatment should be continued. They should consider whether:

* the treatment is in the best interests of the person (in terms of quality of life and how long they will live)

* how much the treatment is improving their condition

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margaret robinson 19/11/12

I work as a HCA in a hospital and I think the reply means that if a
person is receiving end of life treatment then it needs to be considered if this treatment is improving quality of life, i.e.
if in constant pain, why prolong life! is it better to give pain relief and let person 'pass away' peacefully, if there is no hope of recovery.

margaret robinson 19/11/12

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The consultants, together with relatives and also patient themselves (if able to) can make this decision together